Wir sind auf der tekom 2024!


Wir freuen uns, an der tekom2024 in Stuttgart teilzunehmen, der wichtigsten Veranstaltung für Experten in technischer Kommunikation und Content-Erstellung! Wir sind hier, um Kontakte zu knüpfen und neue Möglichkeiten zu entdecken, die auf unserer Erfahrung und unserem Fachwissen in den Bereichen mehrsprachige Kommunikation und DTP-Dienstleistungen aufbauen. Wir analysieren kontinuierlich Branchentrends und passen KI-Lösungen an die […]

Englisch ist heute zu wenig

japoński, bo angielski to za mało

Die Verständigung in der Landessprache ist eine der von der PAIH (Polnische Agentur für Investitionen und Handel) genannten Grundvoraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Auslandsexpansion.

How to Create Texts to Attract and Engage Your International Customers

This article explains what transcreation and creative editing are and outlines some of their benefits. Imagine a good translation. Your text in the target language is linguistically correct, the right terminology has been used, and it reads well as a whole. What more could you want? Well, that “something” that makes your text truly memorable […]

EU MDR and IVDR Brings New Translation Challenges to Medical Industry

dyrektywa unijna MDR

Medical devices help people no matter what language they speak or where they live. However, medical device manufacturers must follow strict regulations to be able to offer their products globally. These requirements include the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and the EU In vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR). Read this article to find out what is […]

On style


Some time ago, one of our freelance translators reacted animatedly to my report in the QA sheet regarding a minor stylistic error. This error had no impact on the positive QA result, but it did initiate a lively discussion. Neither of us was able to convince the other. When closing the sheet, I had the […]

Studio Gambit shines bright – awarded Forbes Diamond 2023

Studio Gambit was listed among the „Forbes Diamonds“ 2023. This prestigious group includes enterprises that have significantly increased their value over the past five years and have confirmed during this time their ability to build an attractive offer and maintain lasting relationships with clients. The Forbes Diamonds list is compiled in cooperation with Dun&Bradstreet (formerly […]

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