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Quality guaranteed – our successful re-certification for the standard PN-EN ISO17100:2015 / EN ISO17100:2015

We are always on the lookout to challenge ourselves with a new, credible standard but recertification is something that can be neglected by the wayside. We are thus very proud to announce our successful re-certification for the standard PN-EN ISO17100:2015 / EN ISO17100:2015. Following ISO Quality Services, ISO 17100 is an international standard published to provide the requirements that a TSP (Translation Services Provider – this is us) needs to meet in order to provide a translation service that meets client’s and other applicable specifications.

We agree that ISO17100 (and every new standard) does make our business better and helps us attain a level of consistently outstanding service for our clients and consistent requirements from our employees and subcontractors.

Studio Gambit Team

We are the translators, editors, proofreaders, project managers, IT specialists, localization engineers and DTP operators forming part of the team here at Studio Gambit.

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