Large retailer of bathrooms and décor shines online

Client Profile         Reuter and its online brand, is one of the largest online retailers of bathroom and home décor in Europe. Not a small feat for a family-led business with more than 30 years of plumbing experience. Our relationship started when Bernd Reuter decided to have a chat with us about entering the Polish […]

proALPHA: UI translation for a business software provider

Client Profile proALPHA Software GmbH is a German provider of business software for Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) with the strong focus on the manufacturing, trading, and service industry. Currently, proALPHA employs more than 1.7 thousand professionals working in 49 offices and can count more than 7 thousand SMEs as clients and partners. Studio Gambit […]

Project Management heroes – keeping your translation projects on track and on budget


If you work in the language industry, you probably made up your mind whether Project Managers are a godsend or a scourge on this Earth and linguistic projects. PMs themselves are often overworked and underestimated, which makes working environment hard for members of this oft-misunderstood profession and gives us some insights onto why the situation […]

Translate to Great: Translator’s Workshop

One of the most common questions we get from clients and prospective employees alike is about our translators and their role in the localization process. We are always happy to answer but thought it could be a good idea to present the main points in a handy article we can then use as a point […]

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