Qualisys: Navigating the World of Hazardous Materials without Blowing Yourself Up

Client Profile Qualisys is the company to go to if your business happens to handle hazardous materials or dangerous goods of any type. Their interdisciplinary team of experts continuously researches applicable laws and regulations across the globe, keeping you and your business abreast of important changes and therefore safe. In practical terms, Qualisys makes sure […]

Reuter.de: Large retailer of bathrooms and décor shines online

Client Profile         Reuter and its online brand Reuter.de, is one of the largest online retailers of bathroom and home décor in Europe. Not a small feat for a family-led business with more than 30 years of plumbing experience. Our relationship started when Bernd Reuter decided to have a chat with us about entering the Polish […]

proALPHA: UI translation for a business software provider

Client Profile proALPHA Software GmbH is a German provider of business software for Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) with the strong focus on the manufacturing, trading, and service industry. Currently, proALPHA employs more than 1.7 thousand professionals working in 49 offices and can count more than 7 thousand SMEs as clients and partners. Studio Gambit […]

Saipem S.p.A.: Complex technical translation for an oil industry project

Strategic Partner Saipem S.p.A. (Società Anonima Italiana Perforazioni E Montaggi) is a multinational company providing services to the petroleum exploration and production industry. In short, Saipem employs engineers for the kind of technical work that is so complex, they had to build an entire marketing campaign to even try and explain it. Suffice to say, […]

Trusted Shops: The language of trust for e-commerce

Trusted Shops is an international brand from Germany that has built its powerful position on providing trust and safety for their customers’ online shopping experiences. The company had the idea to create a safe space for online stores and their customers. The company has developed a certification system that guarantees quality and customer satisfaction in […]

SAP: Bringing global expertise to local markets with localized ERP systems

Studio Gambit’s cooperation with SAP began in February 2007 when we effectively completed the first big project for this Customer. Since then, we have been successful in later projects on software localisation and translation of product documentation and marketing materials in a few language pairs: English–Polish, German–Polish and Polish–English.   Our base resources covering tasks […]

Cooperation with Syncron Poland

Syncron Poland is a leading global provider of innovative after-sales service software solutions that drive significant revenue and profit improvements for its customers. Main goals Improving the quality of translations (localisation) from English to German within three warehouse and inventory management platform, which are implemented individually and customised in line with each customer’s expectations, as […]

LPP: Regional fashion giant expands to foreign markets

LPP SA is a Polish clothing company that has been growing by leaps and bounds. In the last 27 years it has built a strong position on the European and Middle East markets. Currently, it operates in 21 countries, where it has over 1,700 shops. The company owns House, Cropp, Mohito, Sinsay and Reserved brands, […]

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